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Portfolio Management

Personalized Wealth Management Strategies

The Premier Wealth team brings knowledge and experience from many different specialties, ensuring that we identify solutions tailored for you. We collaborate with you to identify your goals and objectives, identify solutions, then work with you to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to pursue those goals.
Your plan could include a variety of asset management solutions including life insurance, annuities, saving and investing for retirement or building and preserving wealth for the long term.  If your plan involves investment management, we will help you consider four key items that will become the blueprint for your personal investment policy statement before you begin investing:
  • Goals & Objectives: What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want to retire early, send the kids to college?
  • Time Horizon: How long will it be until you need your money?
  • Liquidity Needs: How much money do you need to set aside for short-term goals or unexpected emergencies?
  • Risk Profile: How much market risk can you tolerate?
We evaluate this information to determine the appropriate strategy to work towards your goals. Our strategies include equity, income and also socially responsible investing. 

Investment Philosophy

Our Investment Philosophy is based upon well-researched concepts that have a meaningful impact on returns such as: diversification, risk management and portfolio composition. Our process enables us to partner with our clients to develop customized portfolios to optimize chances to meet your financial goals. 

We add value at every stage of your life.

As your life changes, we meet with you to evaluate your portfolio and investment policy statement and make changes to fit your goals.
Contact a Local Financial Consultant
Investments are: Not FDIC Insured. Not a Deposit. May Lose Value. Not Guaranteed by the bank. Not Insured by Any Federal Government Agency.